Princess ky 3

Sunday, March 18, 2012

Van, and reminice

Our van has been leaking some fluid since we had it repaired back in November. I decided since I needed to have a lube and oil done on it that I would have them look at the leaks also. Apparently, we had some hoses going from the transmission to the radiator that were bad. So $330 later it is now fixed. I am glad it is not leaking any more, but the car still has a check engine light on. It seems like it is always on so I don't know if I should be concerned or not. The van seems to be more of a money pit than I care for, but I am not the one in control of the money so I do what I have to to get by. I guess you can say at least I don't have a car payment on top of all the repairs, but I wonder if I had a car payment instead of paying repairs if it would equal out? I guess for now I will never know.
Our progress with our cancellations and sealing are inching along. Mark had to do some work at church, and was able to talk with the Bishop. So we found out he forgot to give us the name and number of the Stake clerk. Aaaahhhh!!! Mark was able to talk to the guy and get us an appointment. The soonest he could see us is March 25Th at 2:00pm. But at least it is a step in the right direction.
Mark just reminded me that it was 6 years ago today, March 18Th, that we met on that fateful hike. I still remember hiking in Red Rock talking to him as we are heading back to our cars, and it starts snowing. A rarity for Las Vegas. We had a great conversation, but I couldn't tell what he looked liked. He was wearing a hat, sunglasses, a long sleeve shirt, and shorts. He was carrying a staff that I thought was for hiking. Later to find out, it is a martial arts staff. I was wearing a plain white T-shirt, and a pair of jeans. He thought I was the best looking woman there, but he tried not to show it. He was too nervous to ask me out on a date, but got a group of us together to go try different ethnic foods. I think it was a week later I got to see him for the first time over Indian food. I was not interested. So it took a little while but here we are 6 years later married with 2 beautiful daughters.


Mandos said...

Yes car problems are the worst! Not sure I will every get another van. We never have major issues but it seams somthing always comes up!
Gald you meet Mark 6 years ago! What a great guy he is.:)

Marnie said...

Our check engine light has been on also, and I agree, it is hard to decide if it is worth the fix or time to just get something new. It is fun to hear that story about you and Mark, I don't think I ever knew the details. 6 years went by so fast! Congrats!

Monica said...

I can't believe that you remember what both of you were wearing when you met!

I for one am all for no car payments, but if you are spending more in repairs, I don't know. For me, I always hope that will be the last thing for a while. I really don't like our van, but we really haven't had many problems with it. It's been holding up well for how much we drive it.