Princess ky 3

Sunday, September 20, 2009

I wanted to post this last week, but it wasn't meant to be. Annadele is growing and developing all of the time. She is starting to crawl. Last week it was the stick the butt in the air and roll. Now she will get up on all fours and push her feet. I'm sure next it will be that she has her arms and knees going. But I am not ready for that. The house isn't baby proofed yet. We have started to feed her solids. And a lot like Emma, she wants nothing to do with it. But we are trying to continue. Just today, she actually ate with out crying and took a couple of good bites. Yeah. Little victories.
The reason I was too busy to post is that Mark and I spoke in Sacrament last Sunday. So we were busy preparing our talks. I think we did a good job. I felt the spirit. Our topic was conversion. The bishopric member gave us a couple of conference talks to base it off of. For me that was different. I felt like I was giving a Relief Society lesson, with no question time or feed back. We spoke with another couple. At first I was a little taken a aback. This was the 3rd time in 2 yrs that Mark and I have spoken. We have never had a hard time taking up the time. In fact, both of us have had to cut things from our talks to allow the other person enough time. So to find out that we would be sharing the time, I didn't understand. We have always liked to speak because it allows people an opportunity to get to know us. I think I didn't want to share the spot light. But now that it is done and over with, the other couple we were speaking with were young and inexperienced. I think the Lord knew exactly what he was doing in pairing the two couples to speak. It gave them an opportunity to speak with out having to take up the whole time. And Mark and I were still able to speak, and had many people let us know how much they appreciated our talks. The bishopric member even wanted a copy of Mark's which he just handed over. Mark received his first calling in our new ward. He will be the employment specialist. He received an awesome blessing. Hopefully he can help others in his own search for work.
I tried to load a clip on Friday, but the video wasn't loading up. This one isn't as fun, but it will have to do for now.


Marnie said...

She is soooo cute! That is so fun that she is crawling!
It sounds like your talks went great! I wish we could have come.
Mark, good luck with your new calling.

Mandos said...

Did I hear you right? You like to talk in sacrament? I was a little blown away! :)
Annadelle crawling! Yeah! So much fun. Don't worry to much about the baby proofing. I never did it with Jessica and in my last home it seams like what I did do didn't matter. So happy to see a post!!! Love ya!

Amy and Mike said...

That's too funny! Emma is definitely not that far advanced in her crawling skills. She can't get her back and bottom off the ground, but she will did her feet into the ground and slowly nudge herself along. Hopefully we can get those girls together soon. It's fun to see them progress.

Mom in Orem said...

Loved being with you all this weekend. Annedele is so cute! Better in person but loved the video. You will never believe this but I came home and found that I had forgotten one box.

Monica said...

How fun to see Anadelle. She is getting so big. I'm glad your talks went well. I understand about talking with other people. I could take up a whole sacrament meeting. Poor Al doesn't get much time. How fun that you were able to get your boxes and blanky. I'm sure there are other things in there you could pass down to Annadelle.